(509) 668-6379


Rot and Pest Damage Repair

Before you sell or buy a home, a pest inspection report will be given to you. If you have pest damage or have other items on the report, we are here to help. We can repair damage to homes pending a pest inspection. Whether it be rot, termites, or even powder post beetle damage, we will rectify all of the items that could be on a pest inspection report. 

Rot and pest damage repair can really seem like a huge problem. You may have minor rot or pest damage in your flooring, siding, or other areas of your house. You might have major structural damage to floor joists, support posts, or support beams. Rot and pest damage can affect your home in several different areas. We have the experience, workmanship, and structural knowledge in order to find and repair rot and pest damage wherever it is located in your house, decks or outbuildings. If you have found rot and pest damage in your home, don’t hesitate to call us.

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